Amulet of luck and money attracting the life of the owner of the success in all areas of life. As a talisman to fit any small objects, and most importantly, they were properly loaded.
How they work, amulets, and talismans to attract money and good luck
Amulets have many beneficial properties:
- The ability to draw in a person's life funds from different sources.
- I can program the subconscious of the owner to receive the money.
- Create around a man's aura and the attraction of the banknotes.
- Protect with all means against theft.
- Avoid unnecessary buying and spending.
- Offer the opportunity to earn even more.
- Guard the sources of income and protect against their loss.
- Saturate the house monetary energy.
- Provide a continuous and constant flow of money.
- Help you win the lottery.
How to make talismans in the bag with their hands
To make talismans, they do not need to resort to black magic. Cash amulets can produce alone in the house.
Horde amulet

Horde amulet is a coin that bandaged to rows to rows with a rope to the cross. It is believed that the guardian helps protect the owner of poverty and ruin, but also to attract in his life a lot of money. Distinctive properties apotropaic is the protection against the detractors, because of which the man has started the financial problems.
To manufacture the amulet, you'll need to scum of the horde coin. If it is not possible to buy, you can choose any road, but not at a fork in the road. Lift off the ground his need with the words, "luck and happiness" and not show it to anybody.
Made amulet, crescent Moon, preferably in the environment.
A few days before the ritual can't be considered rest. Prepare 3 green candles, and lace of black color. At midnight they lit all the candles, and, holding the coin in his left hand, uttering a conspiracy: "In my hand a coin I hold. As she next, and the wealth will always be near. Let that attract you, call, it will bring more money. I will live forever in luxury and wealth".
After reading the plot it is necessary to tie the currency to cross. In the morning, wearing the amulet at the neck.
Found a coin
Any found on the road to currency can serve as a powerful magnet for the money. For this you need an exorcism. In crescent Moon at midnight lights the candle and reads a conspiracy: "I Speak, I speak, luck is attracted to me. All the rest should come. My strong words, and true, focus fixed, faith supported. Accidentally found will become my and mark the beginning of a money". After reading the spell you need to wait for the post-combustion candle, then the currency is allowed to put in the portfolio.
Decorative mouse

In order to attract into your life more money, you need to buy fyke mouse. Can be wood or metal. After the purchase of the mouse should read a plot: "Mickey mouse, check, money to go." The caretaker will help you to protect the portfolio from theft and climb the leaderboard.
The haunted dollar
For the banknote became the mascot of cash, you will need a ticket of the nominal value of 1 dollar. It is possible to make the keeper in the stock market in two ways.
The first method consists in the fact that the money that they bend in an extraordinary way, and then put them in the bag. To correctly add the dollar, you must perform the following operations:
- The banknote is folded in half. Portrait of the president must be outside.
- The top left corner of the banknote folded in a way that has been proven to be in the center lane.
- The same way you would fold the corner down to the left.
- The right part is folded in the diagonal. The image of the pyramid should be on the floor above.
- The triangle topped off the remaining corner of the banknotes.
The dollar, put them in your bag and always carry.
Banknote, 1 dollar can only talk about. For this we need:
- the green and the church of the candle;
- cinnamon sulfur.
At midnight I have to turn on all the candles, and in a few minutes represent the amount of dollars in the increase in the stock market. Above and your reading plot: "I have all of the dollars that are necessary to the fulfillment of his desires. I fiorisco, I am rich. Yes, it will be so". After reading spells, the bill to clean up the portfolio so that it was lying separately from the other money. The haunted dollar can not, or, or extract and show to other people.
The imperial mascot of any currency

For the manufacture of imperial mascot, you need to prepare the following attributes:
- currency of any value;
- candle of the church;
- red cotton material.
At midnight the waxing Moon you light a candle. Orogami must tune in a favourable wave, and then, holding the coin in his right hand, representing, as the wealth and the money firmly a part of life. After this money is put into the fabric and remains throughout the night over the light of the moon. The next day his wound with a cloth and clean under the cushion. The amulet will start in a week.
The silver spoon
Miniature silver spoon to help collect funds. It is also called "the spoon Zagrebacka". How can we speak of a spoon, so it is and will rake in the money. To activate it, you need to read a plot: "Spoon and alive in my bag, reel money to himself. I'm with you friend, the happiness and wealth attract". For the amulet worked, his need to clean a couple of times a year. For this, you need to lower a spoon up all night in a glass of salt water in the holy water. In the morning, Zagrebacka washed with clean water and a new clean bag.
Cash the key
Magnet for money can become a key of metal. To recharge the monetary energy, you'll need to buy a new lock and key and hide all night in a safe deposit box. If the safe is not there, the attributes, it is possible to remove in any other place, where they kept the money. Morning, the key is allowed to take and hide it in the bag. The castle remains in the same place. From this moment on, the finances will be drawn from a variety of sources.
Cash amulet from the shaman

Shamanic amulet is braided pendant that can activate only the shaman, with the help of ancient rituals. So the mascot in the shortest time possible, to help the owner get the legacy, to win a large sum in the lottery or get a paid job. All funds raised will be to derive the man easily and without effort.
Pentacle Of Solomon
This amulet is a two-way coin, reminiscent of the print. Can be made of metal or clay. It is believed that this talisman can bring to life a successful man, to help the development of enterprises, and to keep from losing trades.
The amulet must be cleaned at least once a month, to remove the negative energy. To do this, it is sufficient to wash with clean water and again to wear on the neck.
Mascot altai monks
This mascot is a coin that talk about the altai monks. She is a powerful talisman and can help a person cope with the depression, anger, to attract good luck and stable high income.
The amulet is not possible for no one to show and share. It should be kept in a secluded place of the house, where no one will see it. For ward has not lost its power for a long time, and should be treated with respect, speak with him and thank him for the prosperity.
Muslim amulet money and good luck
This mascot is a coin on which is depicted a muslim ornamentation. Considering that the amulet protects from damage and the evil eye, and attracts wealth in the life of the owner. Wear allowed only to muslims.
How to make amulets for the storage in the house
The house was filled with an aura of wealth and prosperity, home-made amulets.
To make this amulet you will need:
- red fabric;
- the coins of the various advantages;
- eucalyptus oil;
- the red wire.
Of the red flap is first of all necessary to sew a small bag. For every coin they infuse a little bit of olive oil. When the bag is full of coins, her blindfold a red wool thread. Mascot clean in a dark place in the house. You can get it once a week, for the fed's monetary energy.
Encryption bill
This amulet is personal to the mascot of the man. It is recommended that you choose a design of the law, the series or the number that will be, in part, to coincide with the date of birth of the owner.
To encode the banknote you will need:
- banknote of large denomination;
- filament green;
- the oil of bergamot;
- sage;
- green candle.
The money before they infuse a little bit of oil of bergamot. When the oil dries out, the bill rolled in a tube and tied the green wire, you have to make 3 knots. Then inside the tubules bring a branch of sage. The amulet is sealed with the wax of melted candles. The mascot should be kept in a dark place in the house, it is not possible or, or extract and show to strangers.
A cross on the chest amulets and feng shui to attract money
The talismans of feng shui can be worn alone or store in the house. Bring the owner desired, attract luck and fortune.
Three-toed from from toad
Three-toed from from toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

When you purchase this amulet you need to take into account certain requirements:
- It is desirable, for the from from toad was made from jade.
- Pet actively attracts positive energy, by toad should be gold coated.
- The currency must be located in the mouth of hieroglyphics on and have removed.
- The eyes of the amulet must be made of red stones.
- On the back from the toad must be the drawing of the constellation.
For ward activated, it is put in the aquarium. It is allowed to periodically spray a from to toad water, but the effect is weak. The amulet must be close to the front door, with his back towards her. It is not possible to clean up the from the toad on the top shelf, so she does not suffer from vertigo.
Drawstring on the arm
Handmade lace can be coloured cards. It is better to use wool yarn. For the production of lace need a thread of red, yellow and green shades. The red attracts love, green — and financial well-being, yellow — health. The cuff should be tiles in the nights of the full moon, when you see your desire. After the end of the ritual of the cross-linked guardian wear on the left arm or leg.
Hotei is the god of abundance, the statue is made of various materials: clay, stone, wood. The material does not affect the action of an amulet.
In the home has arrived the well-being and wealth, the statue of a pat on the belly 350 times.
Hotea place in any part of the house, preferably at the entrance. Before leaving the house, the statue of a pat on the belly a couple of times. If you follow these rules, the amulet will work up to full speed.
Stones, attract money and luck
The stone is the material that is best of all has drawn in a person's life, luck and success. Stone amulets convenient because they can be worn with or derived from their decoration.
Rhodonite — is a mineral of the manganese. It has the following features:

- Helps to regain a stable income.
- Can be worn in all people, regardless of sex or age.
- Can provoke in a man with leadership inclinations, which will help to build a business.
- It will make the owner popular, he will glorify him.
- Fills the body of energy and strength.
- Will show the right way.
Jade is a semi mineral, which is difficult to break. You can have a different color, from white to dark green. This stone has several properties:
- View the man from a state of poverty.
- Can attract the desired amount.
- Strengthens physical health and immunity.
- Helps pregnant women to bear a healthy child.
It is not recommended to wear this stone for more than 5 hours.
Peridot is a semi-precious stone, which dissolves in acid. Has a color from yellow to dark green hue.
The magic properties of the stone:
- Protects the house from evil, envious people.
- Help the owner to become more lucky and more lucky.
- In combination with gold stone takes a big force, which refers to the luxury.
- Strengthens family and friendship.
- A positive effect on the health of men.
How to make amulets of the plants
To make an amulet of plants, it is necessary to put them in a bag — so all the energy will concentrate in one place.
The herbs and plants that attract luck and wealth:
- dill — symbolizes the prosperity and passion, helps the person to take foot on the top of success;
- cloves — attracts the big win;
- timo — is added to food to attract money into the house;
- basil — protects the house from evil, attract luck and love;
- ginger — in combination with spells can cast out evil spirits;
- chamomile white flowers allow you to get money from a loving person;
- verbena — relieves insomnia, improves health;
- the peony is the need to cultivate large flowers, and then the wealth will not wait;
- orchid — you can get high offices;
- oats — active the cash flow of the project.
The Slave guardian of the cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus, and pine needles
To make this amulet alone, you need to:
- pine branch;
- eucalyptus;
- ginger root;
- cinnamon;
- bag;
- wool yarn in green color.
All the herbs must be reduced to a pulp and put in a canvas bag. During the hammering needs no introduction around themselves the abundance and luxury. Bag, knotted the thread, and it portrays it in a prominent place in the house.
The guardian of black pepper
Amulet with black pepper made a time — to close the deal or increase the odds of winning the lottery.
For the ritual you will need:
- the white sheet of paper;
- a tall glass jar;
- pepper.
It is necessary to wait for the full moon and let the ship load of the night, the light of the moon. The next day, on the paper, it is necessary to write the amount that you need. A sheet rolled in a tube and set in charge of the vessel. From the top poured black pepper. The guardian must hide in a dark place. Before an important event, the vase there is a need to shake up, at this point you start to act.
How to make runic talismans in the house
If you examine the values of the runes, it is possible to create a powerful talisman for the attraction in the life of wealth.

The mascot called "the Mill" helps only the hard work of the people. For those who are lazy, will not help.
To manufacture the amulet, you'll need a round piece of wood.
On it disboscano 4 runes:
- Ch — allows the owner to pay debts;
- Z — symbolizes prosperity;
- N — increases the profit, no matter what the case would involve the people;
- The F — rune, Fehu, thanks to you, in your life get lucky strip.
After the guardian is done, it is necessary to always carry.
Three Fehu runes
Rune Fehu is a symbol in the shape of the letter F, is dedicated to the god of fertility and wealth. To make this amulet, you need to draw a 3-letter F wooden or stone bar. Triple image rune increases the effect apotropaic.
The formula for attract luck
The formula for attracting wealth has to be written on the pendant that a man can always take the neck.
The meaning of the symbols of success:
- Anzuc — the wisdom, the knowledge, the inspiration;
- Uruz — the objectives, the opportunities, the realization of the wishes;
- Dagaz — success, abundance;
- Eihwaz — support, help, protection;
- Othila — the destiny, the income, the time;
- Jera — luck, fortune, grace;
- Tiwaz — the spirituality, the struggle, the war;
- Sowelu — victory, wisdom;
- Fehu — wealth, income, money, abundance.
For the formula that has brought wealth, his need to do. Examples of formulas:
- Fehu — Othila — Jera — helps to increase the already available wealth.
- Othila — Tiwaz — Uruz — Sowelu — the development and prosperity of the business, regardless of the competition.
- Fehu — Tiwaz — Othila — the emergence of new sources of income.
- Anzuc — Eihwaz — Sowelu — continuity of the attraction of funds.
Talismans to collect funds for the signs of the zodiac

The right mascot is run continuously, the most powerful amulets are those that were created for date of birth and, depending on the sign of the zodiac:
- Above the Ram protects the planet Mars, therefore, the ideals amulets, connected with war and weapons.
- Taurus is always concerned about your status, then a statuette in the shape of a bull will give to the owner of wisdom and power.
- The twins are the subjects Mercury, then the maximum will have a mascot in the shape of a monkey.
- With a talisman in the shape of a heart, the Cancer becomes soft and accommodating, he will always be a success.
- The lion must have an amulet in the form of a majestic animal, made of noble metal.
- Virgin — wise and developed, so they need a symbol, the owl.
- The favorite activity of Libra — read. As the mascot can wear your favorite book.
- All the Scorpions, who are trying to become rich, they must hang around the neck a pendant in the shape of a scarab.
- Sagittarians are similar to centaurs, they are able to fight for his dream. Amulet in the form of this creature to help you get the desired result.
- Black cat the Capricorn will be the most effective talisman in life.
- Those born under the sign of Aquarius must have with him an amulet in the shape of flying insects or objects.
- All that is connected with the element of water, it will be for the Fish mascot.
Color, shape and symbol of the sign it is possible to create a powerful amulet for attracting success and prosperity. If creating a talisman with your own hands, it is not possible, is it possible to acquire figures, which symbolizes the zodiac sign of a person.
Which properties must have an amulet for each sign of the zodiac, you can see in the table:
The zodiac | The form | Color | Symbol | Stone | Statuette |
Aries | cosmograph daytona | gold | weapons | hematite | ram |
Toro | animal | green | elephant | turquoise | bull |
Twins | abstraction | blue | the key | amethyst | monkey |
The cancer | circle | silver | the heart | pearls | turtle |
Lion | star | black | star | heliodorus | lion |
Virgin | cube | purple | bird | jade | owl |
Balance | the heart | turquoise | the book | ruby | otter |
Scorpio | triangle | bordeaux | the bullet in the heights | jasper | beetle |
Sagittarius | iron horse | blue | spoon | sapphire | the centaur |
Capricorn | oval | earth | cat | ruby | goat |
Aquarium | the zig-zag | purple | angel | rhinestones | butterfly |
Fish | shell | magenta | fish | lapis lazuli | the ship |
Which elements can involve the money without the ritual and activation
There are some objects able to attract wealth without the use of plots.
Four-leaf clover

Clover with four petals rare, but if the man finds her, very soon, his wish will come true.
Each piece has a different meaning.
- the first symbolizes the hope and refers to the element of fire;
- the second means fortune and success;
- the third is a strong symbol of love;
- fourth — the well-being and health.
Clover can bring good luck in several ways:
- Success in business will accompany you, if you put the plant in the shoes.
- For the money have always been made in the bag, he put the buckets of clover.
- Takes away the peace of the voltage, if her wrap the blue fabric and bring them with him.
- It will scare the envious from home, if you hang a flower in a frame above the entrance door.
- The two lovers should eat the petals, always attacking each other.
Iron horse
To bring home the material resources, it is necessary to suspend the horse horseshoe above the entrance door. The horseshoe must hang cuts to the top. You can buy a small horseshoe of clay or wood, and always wear with itself — the effect will be the same.
Money tree
Crassula is a plant called the "tree of happiness". That brings wealth, if need to land alone.
The algorithm of action during the landing:
- Acquire the pot of medium size.
- The pot can be washed with holy water and once poured into the ground.
- In the ground, put a couple of coins of the same value.
- To plant a tree.
If planting a money tree with your own hands, and not to buy, crassula will always work, and attract the power of money in the house.
Mint leaves
The mint is able to attract a banknote, a large nominal value. This small leaf of a plant, tear off and dried, and then removed in the bag. With the time, the money becomes more.
Old coins
Old coins, even not having value, able to increase the capital. For this they need to always carry in your bag.